Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Droppin' some NYC

Well, we got back safely from New York. I had an awesome time- it was my first in NYC. I slept the whole plane ride both ways. It was so great to catch up with Nana, Opa, and Aunt Beth- I miss them already! And I got to meet so many of my parents' good friends! I can't wait to see them again too.

A few new albums over at Picasa:


Love to everyone,


Sunday, May 3, 2009

Where's Ayla been?

Hi everyone,

Well life has been progressing nicely. I'm almost three months old now, and I'm happy and healthy! Mommy and daddy have been very busy (at least that's their excuse for not letting me blog more often!), but everything's fine!

I'm starting to babble these days, and I'm getting cuter and cuter.

Much love to everyone!

New pics over at picasa!

